Sustainability: Climate Change and Energy


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 14
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    Climate Change Impacts to Natural Resources in South Carolina
    (2013) Department of Natural Resources, South Carolina
    This report gathers data on the impacts of climate change on wildlife, fisheries, water supply and other natural resources in South Carolina. Teaching Method: The report provides ecological data and financial estimates to understand the broad implications of climate change.
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    Profiling Local Climate Change Governance in the Southeastern United States
    (2011) Morsch, Amy
    The Nicholas Institute report is a detailed assessment of climate action in 48 cities in the Southeastern United States. A comparative analysis of climate planning.
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    Green Rhodes: Sustainability in the ACS
    (2014) Osella, Sophie; Martin, Becca
    This short documentary film discusses student efforts to combat climate change and encourage environmental sustainability at Rhodes College. Teaching Method: This film demonstrates student and staff involvement in campus sustainability projects.
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    Furman ACS Video
    (2014) Dripps, Weston
    Furman University was one of the charter signatories of the President's Climate Commitment back in 2007 and is striving to be carbon neutral by 2026. This video highlights some of the efforts Furman is taking to help meet that goal. Teaching Method: This film was created in conjunction with a First Year Seminar.
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    Green Schools: Washington and Lee
    (2014-12) Paul, Zachary
    Washington and Lee University; ; Renewable energy; ; Solar thermal; ; Power purchasing Agreement; ; ; Abstract: This video, made with support from an Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) Blended Learning Grant (2013-2014), documents solar projects at Washington and Lee University. Teaching Method: The video demonstrates the use of a power purchasing agreement and legislative transition in Virginia toward more favorable solar energy policies.