Responsive rather than Emergent: Intentional Episcopal Liturgy for the 21st Century
Pooley, Nina Ranadive
Issue Date
University of the South , School of Theology, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee , Emerging churches , Liturgical adaption , Emerging church phenomenon , Liturgical development , Anglican liturgy , Eucharist
Alternative Title
With the rise of emerging churches greater attention has been paid to the liturgy
of The Episcopal Church; rather than attempt to be emergent, The Episcopal Church is
positioned to continue its long standing tradition of liturgical adaptation to be responsive
to the needs of the 21st century. An understanding of the Anglican tradition of liturgical
adaptation provides Anglican principles of liturgical change and a firm foundation for
crafting responsive liturgy.
The paper begins with an in-depth look at the emerging church phenomenon and
what the issues raised by the emergence of these communities have to teach those in
mainstream liturgical traditions about the changing needs of contemporary culture.
Following this introduction to emerging churches is a discussion of liturgical
inculturation inherent in the development of early Christian liturgy primarily through the
expertise of Anscar Chupungco and the work of the liturgical movement leading up to
Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II. From this look at early liturgical development the
paper then considers the development of Anglican liturgy, specifically the ways in which
Anglican liturgy has been adapted throughout history to meet the changing needs of the
world. The purpose of this exploration is to show that not only is liturgical adaptation
inherently Anglican, but also to discover the foundational Anglican principles for
liturgical change.
With these principles established, the paper proposes a tool or outline for clergy
who wish to offer liturgy that is responsive to the world and is still in-keeping with the
liturgical principles of The Episcopal Church. This tool serves as a guide to evaluate new
liturgies that are coming from other sources, such as Emerging Churches, as well as
provides a guideline for those wanting to craft liturgy for their parishes in a manner that
is both responsible to the tradition of the church and responsive to the needs of the 21st
century. As the weekly Eucharist is the most frequent rite celebrated in the majority of
parishes within The Episcopal Church at this moment in our history, this endeavor
focuses on the eucharistic rite in particular. The paper concludes with an appendix that
includes some practical ways in which these liturgical principles have been applied
University of the South